新肯辛顿 students promote STEAM in local community

STEAM Outreach Club partners with campus K-12 cooperative, 整个学年的科学社区, 技术, 工程, 艺术与数学
College student helps elementary school student with robot

瑞秋Klemmenson, a 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 student and member of STEAM外展俱乐部, is pictured right with third grade student Evelyn DeAntonio, during Stewart Elementary School's Third Grade STEAM Move-Up event. Klemmenson and other members of STEAM外展俱乐部 attended the event to showcase robotics and other science, 技术, 工程, 艺术与数学 activities to the youth and their families. The event was just one of the many activities the club attends throughout the year to promote STEAM-related education and skill sets.


宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. -当ABC创建, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校领导的K-12合作项目, 为休假请求支持, 技术, 工程, Art and Math) Night at a local elementary school earlier this academic year, the members of the campus STEAM Outreach Club didn’t hesitate to want to volunteer their expertise.  

“The STEAM Outreach Club at the campus originated in response to requests from local school districts seeking support for STEM/STEAM-based events during and after the school day,科琳·史密斯解释道, STEM外展及 美国广播公司(ABC)创建 宾州州立大学新肯辛顿分校的协调员.  

美国广播公司(ABC)创建 was started in 2014 by the 新肯辛顿 campus, in partnership with Carnegie Mellon University’s Community Robotics, Education and 技术 Empowerment Lab (CREATE Lab) “as a way for school districts in the campus’ local region to work collaboratively to revitalize teaching and learning and to integrate STEAM skills.“从一开始, 美国广播公司(ABC)创建 has assisted hundreds of educators in 14 districts expand STEM-based opportunities to thousands of local students in their classrooms.  

It was connecting STEM-based learning to wider audiences that became a natural fit for the STEAM Club on campus, and it began partnering with Smith and 美国广播公司(ABC)创建 to bridge the club and the schools. 近年来, districts have utilized the club and its members at a variety of events in the design of hands-on, engaging and fun activities involving a range of STEAM skills. Club members are also introduced to educational-技术 tools for things such as coding, computer science and robotics-based challenges and activities, which they then use to teach and mentor youth in the region to showcase possible pathways for developing STEAM skill sets beyond high school. 

本学年, Smith requested the assistance of club members for Burrel School District’s Holiday STEAM Night at Stewart Elementary in Lower Burrel. 

“STEAM club members constructed winter-themed robotics challenges for the students including a ski race and a snowball soccer game,乔伊·马尔赫夫卡说, associate teaching professor and program coordinator of biomedical 工程 技术 and one of the club’s advisers. “They helped the elementary school students to complete the activities, and it was a fun and festive evening for both the college students and the younger kids.” 

The success of the activity spurred the club to be asked to once again help the elementary school for its Third Grade STEAM Move-Up event this spring. Smith期待美国广播公司(ABC)创建之间的合作, local school districts and STEAM外展俱乐部 to continue. 

In addition to their work with the local schools this year, the club also participated in community events including the Willie Thrower “First Snap” Celebration in downtown 新肯辛顿 and the Burrell Community Connections event where members hosted children’s and family STEM activities for those in attendance.  

表彰他们在校内外的工作, STEAM外展俱乐部, 这是Marhefka和Smith的建议, 还有克里斯汀·普舍尔和梅林达·斯帕皮纳托, 被评为2023-2024年度扶轮社.